Terms & Conditions of Trade

General: We, All LED Limited (“company”) only sell to bona fide electrical wholesalers (“customer”).

All quotations are given, and orders accepted are subject to the following terms and conditions of sale.

Acceptance of Orders: All orders are subject to acceptance by the Company. The Company reserves the right to reject any order. Possession of a price list does not constitute an offer to sell. The acceptance of any order by the company is expressly conditional upon Customer’s acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth herein (“Terms”) and the waiver by Customer of any terms and conditions contained in any order form, confirmation, or any other communication of Customer, whether previously or hereafter delivered to the company, which either add to, differ from, modify, conflict with or are otherwise inconsistent with the Terms. The company hereby gives notice of its objection to any additional or different terms or conditions in any such order form, confirmation, or communication. Customer's failure to object in writing to these Terms prior to the earlier of Customer's acceptance of the products ordered or fifteen (15) days after delivery thereof to Customer will constitute agreement by Customer to these Terms.

Terms: All accounts are nett and are due for settlement by the end of the month following date (“Plus 30 Days End of Month”) of invoice. The company has the right to suspend order processing, stock held on order, collection and/or delivery of any order if payment is not received by/on the date due. There will be a charge of £120.00 on each occasion for any cheque rendered in payment where the cheque has to be represented or is initially refused. The Company reserves the right to charge statutory interest on overdue accounts which will be charged at 8% (or the highest allowable by law) above current Bank of England base rate per calendar month or part thereof from the due date of the earliest overdue invoice. Should it become necessary to take legal action to recover monies owed, all costs incurred (including time, administration, legal, company search, and debt collection fees) will be added and recovered. Proof of these charges do not need to be shown. For late payments, the company reserves the right to charge the customer, according to late payment legislation the following amounts. A debt up to £999.99 a charge of £40 can be applied, a debt of £1,000 to £9,999.99 a charge of £70 can be applied, a debt of £10,000 or more a £100 charge can be applied.

Hold for Release Orders: An order may be placed on a hold-for-release basis. Prices will be held at agreed rates for a period of 3 calendar months from the order date, or 3 calendar months from the date of receipt of goods for any original equipment manufacturer (OEM) branded or customised goods. Any goods not requested for release and delivery by the customer within the 3-month period, may incur a 10% increase in price to allow for storage, administration, and other associated costs. All hold-for-release orders not released and delivered within 6 months from the date of order, or in the case of OEM/customised goods orders-the date the item comes into stock to the company, may be cancelled by the company and are subject to a cancellation charge based on a percentage charge of the order, where the company will set this percentage at whatever rate it sees fit. Any losses can be passed onto the customer in the event of cancellation.

Title of goods: Title of goods shall not pass to the customer until payment in full has been received and funds cleared in full for any outstanding balances under this contract or any other contractual arrangement. The company shall be entitled to repossess goods and their proceeds of sale in case of default on payment. Until full payment has been made the customer shall give full access to the premises to the company, its servants and agents at all reasonable times and shall permit the company to repossess the goods delivered under this contract.

Prices: All prices are subject to change without notice. The Company reserves the right to invoice at prices ruling at date of delivery. All prices are exclusive of any local, provincial, or governmental taxes (Including VAT) for which the customer shall be held liable.

Credit Approval: Customer credit approval is required prior to any shipment of orders. If the company decides that the customers financial condition does not justify the extension of credit to the customer, the company reserves the right to ask for payments in advance and may request additional satisfactory security prior to delivery. The company reserves the right to remove, change or amend the credit terms of the customer including discount structure without prior notice.

Loss and damage: Claims for shortages or damages cannot be accepted unless notified in writing to the company within 3 working days of receipt of goods or in case on non-delivery, within 7 days of date of invoice.

Stock Cleanse: A stock cleanse is return of current product lines without defect in correct packaging and a re-saleable condition. One stock cleanse may be permitted per annum (at the discretion of the company) and must be presented in the form of Debit Note to The Company for written agreement prior to return of product and a goods return number will be issued. A Credit will be issued with a compensating order, the order must be presented with the Debit note at time of submission with the order value no less than twice the value of credit. Where a reorder is not submitted the company reserves the right to charge a handling charge which is a percentage of the value of the goods in order to facilitate the return of goods. The company reserves the right to set this handling charge at whatever percentage it sees fit and it will be levied on the credit. The responsibility for return of goods lies with the customer and must provide delivery to The Company distribution centre, where the company is not liable for the transport of goods and/or any damage that may arise as a result of the customer delivering the product back to the Company’s distribution centre. The Company reserves the right to provide access to a form, written, digital or otherwise at any time to assist with this process.

Cancellations and Returns: No cancellation can be accepted, or goods returned without the prior approval, in writing by the company and the customer may be subject to a charge which can be calculated as a percentage of the order value. Any non-standard product, or any product that can be deemed customised or any product which the company has the ability to produce but which it does not hold in inventory shall be considered an OEM, customised, non-standard or custom product – These types of products must be consumed within 3 calendar months from the date of receipt of goods to the company’s premises. If such an order is cancelled, the customer can be held liable to pay the full value of the order or full sum of all cancelled items. The request for return will apply for current lines for reasons other than stock cleanse, and must be submitted in writing to The Company, this may be presented in the form of a Debit Note. The Company reserves the right to levy a re-stocking charge on goods returned, in a resalable condition and in its original packing. All items returned to the company in conditions other than stated above will be refused. Faulty goods covered by guarantee, will be accepted for inspection, note a credit cannot be agreed until testing and liability have been confirmed, The Company reserves the right to reject and form of Debit Note or value held against payment upon testing with the unit(s) found to be without fault. If a product is found to have a fault, a replacement product may be issued as an exchange or credit issued, where the company will decide as it sees fit.

Orders: Orders placed whether verbally or in writing shall constitute a contract between the customer and The Company. Such orders cannot be changed or cancelled without the prior approval in writing by The Company. The minimum order value should be £50 (excl. Vat), any value below £50 may be subject to a small order charge which the company will charge at its own discretion. The company reserves the right to invoice the orders placed once goods have been received by the company.

Delivery & Minimum Order: The Company will issue a charge for carriage, carriage surcharge, or split box price rate for items falling into categories including but not limited to, less than £200 minimum “carriage paid” order for UK mainland, Delivery to increased delivery-cost areas of the UK, Delivery to an address other than the registered delivery of The Customer where a carriage charge or surcharge is applicable. Timed delivery will be subject to an additional cost as well as any same-day deliveries. Type of Goods, where type of goods applies to items not included in the standard delivery a charge for carriage will be levied on the account. Delivery costs quoted are estimates only and an additional cost incurred. Next day (Working Week) delivery cannot be guaranteed with any order placed later than 2pm, orders placed after this time must be agreed for delivery in writing. Any failed deliveries to The Customer or deliveries on behalf of the customer that incur extra cost for re-delivery will be subject to charge to The Customer. Unless otherwise agreed by the company in writing the company shall select the delivery method and costs of shipping will be billed to the customer. Cost for special packaging or handling shall be the responsibility of the customer and may incur an additional surcharge. The risk of loss damage or shortage of the company’s product shall pass to the customer upon delivery to the carrier regardless of notice to the customer. The company assumes no responsibility for insuring shipments unless specifically agreed in writing by the company in which case the customer shall be liable to pay this charge. Any claims for damage loss or shortage should be filed by the customer with the company in writing. Quoted shipping and/or delivery dates are based on estimates at the time of order. The company shall use reasonable effort and means to ensure prompt delivery and its intention to meet deadlines and due dates, however the company shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect costs or damages, including without limitation incidental or consequential damages, resulting from late deliveries. Except as expressly provided otherwise herein, customer agrees to purchase and pay for all Company products. For the avoidance of doubt, next working day delivery is not guaranteed.

Warranty: The company warrants that the company product shall be free from defects in material and workmanship and will correspond with the specifications issues by the company and perform under its normal use and service. Subject to the foregoing all warranties, representations, guarantees, conditions, and terms, other than those expressly set out in the agreement whether express or implied by statute, common law, trade usage or otherwise and whether written or oral are hereby expressly excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law. The product-specific written warranties provided in or with the company product are intended exclusively for the benefit of the end user and not customer.

Technical Assistance: Where technical assistance is required the company will endeavour to assist The Customer where information is required so long as the request is deemed reasonable, and the time frame may be set by the company. Where any issue may arise once a product is installed “Installed on site” the company reserves the right to request any information that will assist with investigation. The Company can and will expect potentially faulty product to be returned to the company for testing and analysis prior to acknowledging any fault or responsibility. A technician will only be dispatched to the site once the necessary information has been provided and the company's procedures have been followed to satisfaction. Please note that this may entail incurring a call-out fee.. The Company will charge The Customer for any time, labour, materials, travelling, accommodation, or other expenses incurred as a result of investigation where the product is proven to be without fault and/or installed as per the instructions. The Customer and any third parties must allow the company sufficient time to undertake any investigation in full.

Product Information: The Company shall endeavour to reasonably ensure information provided for its products is correct, in print, digital or other media format, The Company shall not have any liability for damage, loss or expense as a result of incorrect information, error or omission by The Company.

Product Adjustment: The Company reserves the right to discontinue, change the look, feel, attributes, components, function, application and design of any company products without prior notice or warning.

Liability: Company’s liability to customer, regardless of whether such liability arises in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, shall in no event exceed amounts paid by customer to company for the company  products involved, and customer releases company from all claims and liabilities in excess of this limitation. in no event shall company be responsible for consequential, incidental, indirect or special damages of any kind.

Force Majeure: The Company will not be liable to The Customer or other parties for delay(s), contractual obligation(s), and failure to perform, with or without foresight any unavoidable event or circumstance which would be on the reasonable control of the company such as but not limited to Act of God, War, Strike, industrial action or other circumstances. Should force majeure occur the terms of this agreement shall remain unaffected.

Conditions of sale: This agreement shall be in accordance with English Law and supersedes any previous agreements between the company and the customer. The placing of an order shall include acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Images and Copyright: The Company will regard the use of Copyright information such as but not limited to Part Numbers, company name, Logo, Trademarks, Registrations, Intellectual Property, Descriptions, and technical information. The company may revoke use of use of the information at any time if required.

Terms and Conditions of Sale: The Company may from time to time and as required amend or change the Terms and Conditions of Sale, a copy of the revisions will be provided and/or available in print or as digital media at time of change.

Title: Title to the company’s goods shall only pass upon full payment of sums, including any charges such as interest or fees applied to the customer’s account due to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. If the company agreed to pass the title to the customer, then it shall do so at its own discretion and submit its wishes in writing to the customer the customer shall possess the company product as a fiduciary and Bailee the seller. Before title is passed, if the company requires that the customer stores the company product separately from other goods, the customer shall ensure they are clearly identifiable as belonging to the company and that the goods are identifiable as belonging to the company. The company may recover the company product for which title has not been transferred and the customer irrevocably licenses the Company, its officers, employees, and agents to enter any premises of the customer, with or without vehicles, for the purpose of either recovering goods for which title has not passed to the customer, or for confirming that the company goods are stored and/or identified as required or requested by the company.



All invoices are to be paid by the end of the month following the date of the invoice. Any claims arising from invoices must be made within five working days of receipt of invoice. By submitting this application, you authorise ALL LED Limited to make enquiries into the banking and business/trade/personal references that you have supplied and/or your personal details including a credit search under your personal name and /or your company name. This agreement shall be binding upon both parties and no modifications shall be made without written prior agreement from the company.

These terms shall be construed in accordance with English Law and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any disputes which may arise in connection with these terms.



42 Sedgwick Road


Website: www.allledgroup.com

Email: sales@allledgroup.com

Tel: 0208 841 9000

Fax: 0208 396 6222


These terms and conditions supersede any previous agreement signed by the customer.